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Holly Mount Roman Catholic Primary School

Nurture, Encourage, Love

E Safety and Website Worries

Welcome to the Website Worries page. We will answer any worries you might have about using technology. You can post any questions in our school 'Website Worry Box' and we will advise you what it is best to do.  If it is really important though, you should always ask a trusted adult to get help as soon as possible.


 Website Worries

Mymaths problems :


Q) How do you prove you have done your My maths if it doesn't register at school?

A) You can screenshot it and send it to school by Email.


Q) How do you use Mymaths on an ipad?

A) To use Mymaths on the ipad download the Puffin Academy app where you can use Mymaths although you should check it the UK version.

